

困った時の LDRize さん。(困った時の集合知とも)

とりあえず os0x さんが簡略化して公開してくれている LDRize の SITEINFO を使って、AmazonGoogleはてなブックマークの数を出すスクリプトを書いた。

Opera で」ということなので Opera でしか確認してないけど、IE 以外なら動くような気がする。

// ==UserScript==
// @name           HatebuChecker
// @namespace      http://d.hatena.ne.jp/edvakf/
// @description    show hatena bookmark count after some links
// @include        http://*
// @include        https://*
// ==/UserScript==

  var info = null;

  function HatebuChecker(){
    if (siteinfo) {
        i = i.data || i;
        if (!i.domain || !i.paragraph || !i.link || !(new RegExp(i.domain)).test(location.href)) return false;
        var p = getFirstElementByXPath(i.paragraph);
        if (!p || !getFirstElementByXPath(i.link, p)) return false;
        info = i;
        return true
      siteinfo = null;
    if (!info) return;
      var a = getFirstElementByXPath(info.link, p);
      if (!a.getAttribute('href') || a.getAttribute('class') && a.getAttribute('class').indexOf('HatenaBookMarkCountShown') >= 0 ) return;
      var e = document.createElement('a');
      e.setAttribute('href', 'http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/'+a.href.replace('#','%23'));
      var img = document.createElement('img');
      img.setAttribute('src', 'http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/image/'+a.href.replace('#','%23'));
      img.setAttribute('alt', '');
      img.setAttribute('height', '13');
      a.parentNode.insertBefore(e, a.nextSibling);
      a.setAttribute('class', (a.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' HatenaBookMarkCountShown');

  if (window.opera) window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',HatebuChecker ,false);
  else window.addEventListener('load',HatebuChecker ,false);
  window.addEventListener('GM_AutoPagerizeNextPageLoaded',HatebuChecker ,false);

  * below is taken from oAutoPagerize.js <http://ss-o.net/userjs/oAutoPagerize.js>: thanks os0x
  function getElementsByXPath(xpath, node) {
    var nodesSnapshot = getXPathResult(xpath, node, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE);
    var data = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < nodesSnapshot.snapshotLength; i++) {
    return data;
  function getFirstElementByXPath(xpath, node) {
    var result = getXPathResult(xpath, node, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE);
    return result.singleNodeValue;

  function getXPathResult(xpath, node, resultType) {
    if (getXPathResult.forceRelative) {
      xpath = xpath.replace(/id\(\s*(["'])([^"']+)\1\s*\)/g, './/*[@id="$2"]');
      xpath = xpath.indexOf('(//') == 0
        ? '(.//' + xpath.substring(3)
        : (xpath[0] == '/' ? '.' : './') + xpath;
    var node = node || document;
    var doc = node.ownerDocument || node;
    var resolver = doc.createNSResolver(node.documentElement || node);
    // Use |node.lookupNamespaceURI('')| for Opera 9.5
    var isXHTML = document.documentElement.tagName !== 'HTML';
    var defaultNS = node.lookupNamespaceURI(window.opera ? '' : null);
    if (isXHTML) {
      var defaultPrefix = '__default__';
      xpath = addDefaultPrefix(xpath, defaultPrefix);
      var defaultResolver = resolver;
      resolver = function (prefix) {
        return (prefix == defaultPrefix) ? defaultNS : defaultResolver.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
    return doc.evaluate(xpath, node, resolver, resultType, null);
  function addDefaultPrefix(xpath, prefix) {
    var tokenPattern = /([A-Za-z_\u00c0-\ufffd][\w\-.\u00b7-\ufffd]*|\*)\s*(::?|\()?|(".*?"|'.*?'|\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.(?:\.|\d+)?|[\)\]])|(\/\/?|!=|[<>]=?|[\(\[|,=+-])|([@$])/g;
    var TERM = 1, OPERATOR = 2, MODIFIER = 3;
    var tokenType = OPERATOR;
    prefix += ':';
    function replacer(token, identifier, suffix, term, operator, modifier) {
      if (suffix) {
        tokenType =
          (suffix == ':' || (suffix == '::' && (identifier == 'attribute' || identifier == 'namespace')))
          ? MODIFIER : OPERATOR;
      } else if (identifier) {
        if (tokenType == OPERATOR && identifier != '*') {
          token = prefix + token;
        tokenType = (tokenType == TERM) ? OPERATOR : TERM;
      } else {
        tokenType = term ? TERM : operator ? OPERATOR : MODIFIER;
      return token;
    return xpath.replace(tokenPattern, replacer);
"name":"Amazon bestsellers and others",
"paragraph":"//div[contains(concat(\" \", @class, \" \"), \" product \")]/ancestor::td",
"name":"Amazon yourstore and history",
"name":"Amazon wishlist",
"name":"Amazon account home",
"paragraph":"//div[contains(concat(\" \", @class, \" \"), \" content \")]//div[contains(concat(\" \", @class, \" \"), \" product \")] | //div[starts-with(@id, \"rhfCell\") or starts-with(@id, \"shvlCell\")]",
"name":"Amazon search result",
"paragraph":"//div[contains(concat(\" \", normalize-space(@class), \" \"), \" result \")]",
"view":".//div[@class=\"productImage\"]/a/img | .//div[@class=\"productTitle\"]/a/text()"
"link":"descendant::a[contains(concat(\" \",normalize-space(@class),\" \"),\" l \")]",
/* 追加する場合



あ、そうそう、この前の、Google の検索結果を綺麗にするスクリプトと相性が良くなかったみたいなので、向こうのほうを直した。
