古い SQLite をダウンロードしたかったんだけどリンクが見つからなかったので探した。
Source Code
sqlite-amalgamation-3070400.zip (1.18 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains all C source code for SQLite 3.7.4 combined into a single source file (the amalgamation). |
sqlite-autoconf-3070400.tar.gz (1.47 MiB) |
A tarball containing the amalgamation for SQLite 3.7.4 together with an configure script and makefile for building it. |
sqlite-tea-3070400.tar.gz (1.21 MiB) |
A tarball of the amalgamation together with a Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) compatible configure script and makefile. |
sqlite-doc-3070400.zip (3.33 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation. |
Precompiled Binaries for Linux
sqlite-shell-linux-x86-3070400.zip (236.76 KiB) |
A command-line shell for accessing and modifying SQLite databases. This program is compatible with all versions of SQLite through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
sqlite-analyzer-linux-x86-3070400.zip (1016.61 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
Precompiled Binaries For Mac OS X (x86)
sqlite-shell-mac-x86-3070400.zip (239.28 KiB) |
A command-line shell for accessing and modifying SQLite databases. This program is compatible with all versions of SQLite through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
sqlite-analyzer-mac-x86-3070400.zip (772.21 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
Precompiled Binaries For Windows
sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070400.zip (275.08 KiB) |
A command-line shell for accessing and modifying SQLite databases. This program is compatible with all versions of SQLite through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3070400.zip (273.98 KiB) |
This ZIP archive contains a DLL for the SQLite library version 3.7.4. |
sqlite-analyzer-win32-x86-3070400.zip (568.51 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.4 and beyond. |
Legacy Source Code Distribution Formats (Not Recommended)
sqlite-src-3070400.zip (3.81 MiB) |
A ZIP archive of the complete source tree for SQLite version 3.7.4 as extracted from the version control system. The Makefile and configure script in this tarball are not supported. Their use is not recommended. The SQLite developers do not use them. You should not use them either. If you want a configure script and an automated build, use either the amalgamation tarball or TEA tarball instead of this one. To build from this tarball, hand-edit one of the template Makefiles in the root directory of the tarball and build using your own customized Makefile. |
sqlite-preprocessed-3070400.zip (1.20 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains preprocessed C code for SQLite version 3.7.4 individual source files. The use of this source distribution is not recommended. Use one of the amalgamation packages above unless you have a compelling reason not to. |
Source Code
sqlite-amalgamation-3_7_3.zip (1.16 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains all preprocessed C code combined into a single source file (the amalgamation). This is the recommended way of acquiring the SQLite source code. It is suggested that you use this packing option unless you have a compelling reason to use one of the other packaging options below. |
sqlite-amalgamation-3.7.3.tar.gz (1.44 MiB) |
A tarball containing the amalgamation together with an configure script and makefile for building it. This is the recommended source distribution for all Unix and Unix-like platforms. |
sqlite-3.7.3-tea.tar.gz (1.19 MiB) |
A tarball of preprocessed source code together with a Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) compatible configure script and makefile. This is the recommended source distribution for the TCL interface to SQLite. |
sqlite-3.7.3.tar.gz (3.25 MiB) |
A tarball of the complete source tree for SQLite version 3.7.3 as extracted from the version control system. The Makefile and configure script in this tarball are not supported. Their use is not recommended. The SQLite developers do not use them. You should not use them either. If you want a configure script and an automated build, use either the amalgamation tarball or TEA tarball instead of this one. To build from this tarball, hand-edit one of the template Makefiles in the root directory of the tarball and build using your own customized Makefile. |
sqlite-source-3_7_3.zip (1.17 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains preprocessed C code for the SQLite library as individual source files. The use of this source distribution is not recommended. Use one of the amalgamation packages above unless you have a compelling reason not to. |
sqlite_docs_3_7_3.zip (3.13 MiB) |
This ZIP archive contains most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation. |
Precompiled Binaries for Linux
sqlite3-3.7.3.bin.gz (231.57 KiB) |
A command-line program for accessing and modifying SQLite version 3.* databases. See the documentation for additional information. |
tclsqlite-3.7.3.so.gz (242.74 KiB) |
Bindings for Tcl/Tk. You can import this shared library into either tclsh or wish to get SQLite database access from Tcl/Tk. See the documentation for details. |
sqlite-3.7.3.so.gz (231.93 KiB) |
A precompiled shared-library for Linux without the TCL bindings. |
sqlite3_analyzer-3.7.2-linux.zip (723.66 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.2 and beyond. |
Precompiled Binaries For Mac OS X (x86)
sqlite3_analyzer-3.7.1-osx.zip (396.83 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.1 and beyond. |
Precompiled Binaries For Windows
sqlite-3_7_3.zip (268.98 KiB) |
A command-line program for accessing and modifying SQLite databases. See the documentation for additional information. |
tclsqlite-3_7_3.zip (339.67 KiB) |
Bindings for Tcl/Tk. You can import this shared library into either tclsh or wish to get SQLite database access from Tcl/Tk. See the documentation for details. |
sqlitedll-3_7_3.zip (267.18 KiB) |
This is a DLL of the SQLite library without the TCL bindings. The only external dependency is MSVCRT.DLL. |
sqlite3_analyzer-3.7.1-win32.zip (557.29 KiB) |
An analysis program for database files compatible with all SQLite versions through 3.7.1 and beyond. |
例えば Windows 用のコマンドラインのバージョン 3.6.18 が欲しかったら http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3_6_18.zip とか。